Noniin, tässä se nyt tulee. Tämän blogin viimeinen postaus. Kuten moni jo tietääkin palasin kotiin 12.12.2013.
Minkä takia?
Jos yksinkertaistan asiaa hieman voin sanoa, että lähdin remachiin ( elikkä vaihtamaan perhettä) . Onni ei osunut kohdalleni, eikä sopivaa uutta perhettä löytynytkään.
Mitkä fiilikset?
Harmittaa. Vuosi jäi pahasti kesken, enkä olisi sieltä halunnut lähteä. Remachiin menoa pohdein kuukauden ajan, koska pelkäsin juuri näin käyvän. En silti ole kertaakaan katunut päätöstäni lähteä remachiin. Perheessä oli liian moni asia pielessä, joka teki työstäni lähes mahdotonta. As an Au Pair you don`t wanna struggle your year, you wanna enjoy it.
Vinkkinä muille Au Paireille tai Au Paireiksi pyrkiville haluan sanoa, että kannattaa maltilla etsiä sitä perhettä. Älä usko perhe profiiliin liian sokeasti. Skype haastattelun aikana kysele paljon kysymyksiä. Koskaan ei voi kysyä tyhmiä kysymyksiä. Sähköpostittele perheen kanssa mahdollisimman paljon. Skypessä kannattaa puhua enemmän kuin kerran. Tärkeintä on , että huomaat tulevasi toimeen vanhempien kanssa, ja totta kai, lastenkin kanssa.
Omalla kohdalla tökki vanhempien kanssa ja se on se yleisin syy, miksi Au Pairit lähtevät remachiin. Usein voi myös lapsetkin olla syynä, mutta itseni kohdalla näin ei asia ollut.
Remachin päätyttyä olin vielä muutaman päivän jenkeissä, kunnes nousin koneeseen.
Kotiin oli outoa palata, mutta onnekseni ei se hirveää ollut. Pääsin heti takaisin vanhaan työpaikkaani, yllätin kaikki kaverit tulollani ja kaikki olivat iloisia paluustani. Huonomminkin voisi asiat olla.
Anyway, mahtava kokemus. Itselläni oli vain hieman huonoa tuuria, koska kyllä siellä niitä hyviäkin perheitä on! :)
Ikävä on kova Atlantin toiselle puolelle, mutta onneksi New York ei sieltä mihinkään katoa. Suunnittelen jo kesälle matkaa sinne.
Missä jatkan blogin pitämistä vai jatkanko ollenkaan jää vielä toistaiseksi auki.
See ya!
sunnuntai 22. joulukuuta 2013
tiistai 10. joulukuuta 2013
Week nr. 15
My 15th week in the States was really nice. Most of the week I enjoyed of good food. Wonder why I`m getting fat here? I was at a thai food place, local pizza place... Cheesecake factory, Whole Food Market takeaway food place... Applebees`s. Gosh, getting hungry while writing this, haha.
Anyway, my weekend included party again. First we had brunch ( in NY style = snack food, drinks, party music, dancing ). After that we had a limo ride through Manhattan. Limo was awesome. It could fit 20 persons ,so it was a big one! We had so much fun !
The night ended up at Empire hotel rooftop. As I has told you earlier, the place rocks!
We had so fun with Linnea when we were trying to get home. Lost in NY we manage to found hot dogs, the right path back home and a nice cab with good price.
Sunday was chilling around day in New York. We went with Caro to see the famous tree at Rockefeller Center and after that we met Juulia at Applebee`s.
We were lucky to see when New York got its first snow :)
The weather in Jersey is pretty shitty now. It is snowing so much that a lot of schools are closed and the trains are not going.
Anyway, my weekend included party again. First we had brunch ( in NY style = snack food, drinks, party music, dancing ). After that we had a limo ride through Manhattan. Limo was awesome. It could fit 20 persons ,so it was a big one! We had so much fun !
The night ended up at Empire hotel rooftop. As I has told you earlier, the place rocks!
We had so fun with Linnea when we were trying to get home. Lost in NY we manage to found hot dogs, the right path back home and a nice cab with good price.
Sunday was chilling around day in New York. We went with Caro to see the famous tree at Rockefeller Center and after that we met Juulia at Applebee`s.
We were lucky to see when New York got its first snow :)
Naked Cowboy at Time Square... |
The weather in Jersey is pretty shitty now. It is snowing so much that a lot of schools are closed and the trains are not going.
tiistai 3. joulukuuta 2013
Video: Snacks and Perfect Housewives
I have been so good and positive, but now it`s time for things that pisses me off! Don´t take them too seriously ;)
maanantai 2. joulukuuta 2013
Xmas is coming!
My host family gets crazy when the xmas starts. We are having Christmas decorations everywhere... and what comes to the yard, well... It`s crazy. When you are walking in Target ( like Prisma in Finland ) you can hear Christmas songs. See all the xmas stuff people are gonna buy to make the holiday perfect. My only question is, who can afford it?
But lets talk a little bit about a Holiday we had last week on Thu, Thanksgiving. My Thanksgiving was a little bit boring but at least I got to taste some pumpkin pie, delicious. For me Thanksgiving is the day when you are with your family and everyone is showing each other love and respect. A day we could have in Finland too besides Christmas.
The day after was a shopaholics dream day, Black Friday. Unfortunately I was working, so I missed the big sales... Luckily Jersey Garden mall had still sales going on yesterday, so I got a little bit sth for me <3
Saturday was a Soho day. I went there with Linnea. We had a nice chilling around day. Walking in Soho, hot chocolate at a cozy cafe and Holiday Market at Union Square. As Linnea would say, jätte mysigt! ( cozy in Swedish).
But lets talk a little bit about a Holiday we had last week on Thu, Thanksgiving. My Thanksgiving was a little bit boring but at least I got to taste some pumpkin pie, delicious. For me Thanksgiving is the day when you are with your family and everyone is showing each other love and respect. A day we could have in Finland too besides Christmas.
The day after was a shopaholics dream day, Black Friday. Unfortunately I was working, so I missed the big sales... Luckily Jersey Garden mall had still sales going on yesterday, so I got a little bit sth for me <3
Saturday was a Soho day. I went there with Linnea. We had a nice chilling around day. Walking in Soho, hot chocolate at a cozy cafe and Holiday Market at Union Square. As Linnea would say, jätte mysigt! ( cozy in Swedish).
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