Anyway, my weekend included party again. First we had brunch ( in NY style = snack food, drinks, party music, dancing ). After that we had a limo ride through Manhattan. Limo was awesome. It could fit 20 persons ,so it was a big one! We had so much fun !
The night ended up at Empire hotel rooftop. As I has told you earlier, the place rocks!
We had so fun with Linnea when we were trying to get home. Lost in NY we manage to found hot dogs, the right path back home and a nice cab with good price.
Sunday was chilling around day in New York. We went with Caro to see the famous tree at Rockefeller Center and after that we met Juulia at Applebee`s.
We were lucky to see when New York got its first snow :)
Naked Cowboy at Time Square... |
The weather in Jersey is pretty shitty now. It is snowing so much that a lot of schools are closed and the trains are not going.
lopetitko siis au pair hommat? miks, jos saa kysyä :o